People Process Technology, The Triple Play

I often think about how to create an environment where the velocity can increase for how things get done. I used to think technology was the main answer, just put in new tools, expect people to use them, and more stuff will get done. I learned that adding technology on its own will often cause velocity to slow. Most people need help seeing their way through the learning curve new technology brings. So if adding technology isn't the answer, I thought 'what about better processes'. If we could just design better ways of working, we will get more stuff done. Well, this outcome really depends on who the people are and what their mindset is. If people are not engaged in their work, see it as 'just a job', are not connected to the organization mission, great process won't really make a difference either. Okay, so that just leaves the third element, people. Over my career, I have learned a lot about myself and about the diversity of people an...