The Future of Reality
Reality. It is something we all encounter, every day. “ In philosophy , reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined ” ( Wikipedia Apr. 28, 2012). I wonder what our definition of reality will be in the future. I just read an article “the Future of Food” ( The Futurist May-June 2012 , p.24-28) that talks about the efforts to genetically engineer / modify organisms. There are scientists experimenting with creating transgenic crops (eg, a potato with a chicken gene), referred to as Frankenfood , interestingly. They are creating rice with vitamin enhancements, hardy corn crops to grow under harsh conditions, etc. Some geneticists claim that one day we will select flavors, textures, and colors for our tomatoes with the a few clicks of a mouse. In the future will our food be real, as we know it? Another article in the same issue of The Futurist, “Unlimiting Energy’s Growth” (p.29-...